Travel: Trip to Ireland

Traveling the world is definitely something I want to do more often. Just seeing places you've never seen before and experiencing a totally different culture is truly an eye opener. Last year, My wife Talia and I went on a cruise to Belize, Mexico, Honduras and the Grand Cayman Island for our honey moon when we got married. This year for our 1 year anniversary, we decided to celebrate over seas in Ireland for a week!

For the first 2 days we stayed in Dublin. We went on a tour bus that took us to so many cool spots in the city. One the sites I was looking forward to the most is  Trinity College and the Old Library( Long Room). There is about 200,000 books in this massive collection. Surrounding the book shelves are statues of well known writers and philosophers. I love this place!

Talia's favorite location in the city was Dublin Castle. The architecture and stories behind the castle are crazy! The castle hosted a ton of gatherings in the past and was home to Henry The 8th( this dude loved to throw partys according to the history). I really liked the church which was apart of the castle! The giant blue room was also a site to remember. The picture doesnt event truly show how big and vibrant the room was!  

After we spent the first 2 days in Dublin, we decided to head to the western part of country and visited Galway.  The hotel we stayed at in Dublin was nice, but the hotel we stayed at in Galway was on a whole different level. The G Hotel and Spa was probably one of the best hotels I ever stayed in.


Everything from layout of the hotel to the customer service was fantastic. Speaking of the layout, the color scheme hotel was very different. From the hallways to the rooms it differently felt very unique.

Off to the country side of Galway as we took a tour seeing several castles and uniquely build cottage homes with straw roof tops. I really loved seeing the landscape and the huge hills filled with limestones, something you don't see in Florida. Believe it or not but our tour guide said some of these massive hills were once underwater at one point.

The castles and landscape were pretty cool, but The Cliffs of Moher was on COMPLETELY different level. These towering cliffs stand tall facing the ocean were breath taking. Walking up to the cliffs, the wind became extremely strong. At one point we had to brace ourselves because the wind was actually moving us! It was funny seeing everyone hold on to the railing because of the wind. Back to the cliffs though. Talia and I never seen anything like this before and will be forever embedded into our minds

After Galway, we went back to Dublin to finish off our vacation. Visiting Ireland on our 1 year anniversary was truly remarkable. Wouldn't mind going back again one day. There are plently of photos below that I haven't highlighted above so check out the gallery out. (Some from my camera, some from the cell phone. See you again in the future Ireland..